
Letter catch up....

Wednesday, April 22nd
Hello Family!

Wow, time is flying by so fast here for sure! I cannot believe that you have gotten my intinerary allready? I bet time is slower for parents than it is for us in the mission field. I still cannot believe that I was home like 9 months ago, and yes I agree it kind of seems like a dream. I am going to answer your questions today. I wasn't the one that gave Johnny Depp the pass along card, it was a group effort. The mission BBQ was pretty rad, there wasn't alot of our group that came out together, as alot of them are on the islands, so that was a bit of a bummer. But we are all looking forward to being together the night before we go home in July. I don't think it will seem real that I am going home until I am at home. Elder Ancieta hasn't said that he feels any different and I don't really feel any difference yet, I am just working hard. I just sent my memory card home and some letters for you and Dad. We don't have any investigators right now, we are just focusing on members because Elder Ancieta is leaving and we are just enjoying their company. We do have a prospect his name is Efrain, he is way rad we are working with him to come to church. Transfers are next week, I am hoping to stay in this area, with Elder Ancieta leaving it sure seems like it is possible. I am thinking I will be a DL, and hoping to finish my mission in this area. I would for sure love it. We have been having FHE with the older single people that don't have families and been having about 15 people coming every week, so that is way cool. I actually got a watch from a member the other day, she is going out of town and wanted me to give me a going away present incase I got transfered. So sweet, huh? I am really loving this ward, and working with them. Our P-Day will be Tuesday, I imagine I will be running around because my companion will be new and I have no idea what will really be happening. It has gotten hot here too, or it could be because the van broke down and we are walking everywhere? I have really stepped up my diet... I am hoping to really lose some weight before I step off the plane.... Oh, could you send me a memory card? I don't want to miss any memories. I love and miss you so much. Thanks for everything.
Love, Logan

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