
still loving Tortola!

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

Hi Mom and Dad!

Yeah, I heard about the new president situation. We shall see what the future has to offer, it’s scary but thank goodness for the gospel, truthfully I love it. You asked about Rose and Esther, they are super awesome they are cousins to Shirley the girl I baptized in May, well they are coming along really well they are both from Haiti and are super awesome we have been teaching them for a couple of months so that is super cool. I am glad that you enjoyed the letters. I am trying to write every week, I got your card yesterday it’s late for Halloween but oh well I enjoyed it none the less. My week was actually really good, Elder Dixon is going to leave almost certain of that I will get a new companion but who that is I have not the slightest idea, hopefully someone younger because I have worked with no one but missionaries that have the same time as me. That is so awesome that you have been getting the time with Tristan its crazy to look at them and see how much they have grown in a year and a half, almost hahaha well I am getting excited. I really am excited for some change but at the same time I am going to miss Elder Dixon so much truthfully he is a great person and has taught me a lot about the scriptures and how to understand them he is a genius in that subject, we are still teaching our English class to all of the Dominicans and Spanish to all the gringos it has been pretty cool because it has helped me so much in my Spanish and really understanding the language for sure been a true blessing. Mom and Dad I am seriously loving it here we had our interviews and so I am scared that I will leave next transfer, I want at least four transfers here seriously, but it is out of my hands so what else can you do. I really love it here! I really enjoy it here though we get surprises often, President Kalama came over the other day and brought us pizza so that was really nice and the Solomon’s took us and the Virgin Gorda Elders out to lunch so that was cool. I love it so much here I have been blessed. But all is well and I will write you Tuesday. Love, Logan

PICTURES. Oh how I love pictures.

1 comment:

Dena said...

I think they are going to have to drag Logan away from his area...haha! He may never leave! He sounds like he is enjoying every minute. I'm jealous you get hand written letters in addition to your emails.:)