
Hello Family,
My week has picked up so much. Everyone has said that the first week is the hardest, but I am definitely getting used to this.. Oh as for the praying I have never prayed so hard in my life and felt so close to my savior. That is awesome that you are taking an institute class, are there a lot of people or is it just younger or just older people? As for the Mom and daughter they blew us off so who really knows I know they felt the spirit and just have to make that right choice, once they feel the spirit Satan works so hard on people, but they have to make the decisions on there own. We got to watch conference in English which was definitely a relief we watched every session including priesthood. That is awesome to hear about Colten man I am so proud of him he has sure stepped up to the plate. Man that so awesome. I am utterly thrilled for him and I know that heavenly father is looking upon him with desire and knows that he will be such a powerful missionary. Thanks for everything that you sent me. I will probably get it this Saturday because we get stuff when we go to the mission office and that is Saturday for training. Yeah I ate at Fuddruckers it is in our area its so delicious I am going to send my memory card home today we are going to the rain forest so I want to send some pictures home with that. Yeah we cook a lot and our landlord cooks a lot for us also she is an older lady she loves cooking and she cooks us a meal almost everyday. We don’t have maids. I am totally good on contacts I have 8 or nine pairs left I am making them last as long as I can. But things are awesome we are teaching a few people the lord has blessed us so much the hard part was just getting started because we had to start out with nothing and we can see our work finally paying off. But its way sweet, I really just miss the cleanliness of home there is basically nothing clean around here, its beautiful but just not in the cities. Its way fun though I get to see two of my buds from the MTC more often because we are in the same zone so that is way cool. I am teaching this older lady she is reading the book of Mormon and loves it but doesn’t understand prayer and the importance of it but we are working with her and she is definitely progressing. Its way cool. So I have to buy as bike so I need just a little bit more money in my account because I have to buy one. But things are great I know that things will work out just pray for everyone that you know and everything will work out. The things that make us sad are only there to make us stronger. Well love you guys and your all amazing. Love, Elder Wells

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