
October 2nd, 2007

Dear Family,
I have written two letters now they should be getting there very soon probably today. We have had to change our P-days to Tuesdays for the last two weeks because of zone conference one week and the other reason was because we did not have our car because the zone leaders came in from one of the islands for meetings with Pres.Dewsnup so we had to give up our car for a couple of days but we more than likely will be doing email every Monday. Well I live in the area of Conovans you should be getting my address on the letter they made us write the first night we were here. My companions name is Elder Osterloh he is from Sandy Utah he has been out in Puerto Rico for 6 months so 8 months total. He is really cool we get along pretty good thank goodness because it would be so hard to have a hard difficult companion in the beginning. Well not going to lie I hated missionary work the first week I was here but pretty much everyone does. But I am definitely starting to love it now thank goodness. The guy we talked to under the light pole never showed up for our appointment so that was kind of depressing because he really seemed like he needed the gospel really bad so hopefully he next time the missionaries come around he will be better prepared. We can only teach those that are prepared for the gospel. But the exciting news we did have a daughter and a mom that we taught yesterday that were really cool they invited us into there house and we got to know them and taught them the first lesson and then they made a commitment to read the Book of Mormon and they committed to come to general conference with us on Saturday they seemed really excited she daughter had attended church when she was in Chicago so that was cool so they seem like they are definitely ready. Well the talk at church went really good so much better than expected because I always seem to choke and I didn’t so that was way awesome. Our chapel is located Rio Grande it is about fifteen minutes away from our appt. The people are pretty friendly here they are really prideful of there Puerto Rico. Well President Dewsnup is way cool we didn’t really get much time to meet him but I will over time, his wife is really sweet you can just see how much she loves missionary work, and can tell that she thinks of us as her little mijos. Yeah I got all the stuff I really appreciated the book it was way cute. I Know the ties that you sent me are polyester but there are cool ones that are thicker ties that are polyester there like 80s ties but I love stripes so any striped tie is cool. Oh yeah there is this girl in my ward her name is Naysha Rodriguez she was in Justin’s ward for a while she lived in Florida she said that he came over and ate at her house all the time her mom was in the relief society presidency but ask him about her. Really funny how things like that work out. My companion’s roommate at BYU Is named Elder Ringwood he is serving in Mesa so if you see him tell him that Elder Osterloh says hello. But I can’t really think of anything else right now. But I love you and thanks for all of the prayers I can feel the impact of all of them. We have a couple of investigators just pray for them to feel the spirit and keep there commitments. We don’t have any upcoming baptisms and as for the ocean were not suppose to encourage it but they really would rather have them in the chapel because they have chairs and the spirit is more present there. As soon as I have a baptism I will let you know.The area is actually not that bad it’s really fun I like it a lot. The mosquitoes are not really that bad. I love you all! Peace and Love, Elder Wells.

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