
Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

You have no idea of how awesome it is out here in the mission field. I am not going to lie I absolutely love it now. Yes at first it was really difficult but man I love this place. I love everything about missionary work. I love sharing the gospel and well all that comes along with that. I do have a baptism for the 17th of November she is a really cool lady her name is Maria Diaz she came to church this week she has a super cool spirit and she love church maybe because everyone welcomed her so well. But the only problem is that she has a boyfriend than she has had for 15 years and is not married to him. SO the new goal is really just getting her married. You would be surprised at how often this happens. It’s cool though because we had a really good lesson and she was afraid before to ask him but she said she would ask him and see what he has to say. Its way way way cool! But have I told you how much I love this area and how excited I am to be staying here for a while longer. The guess is that I will probably be here for another two transfers because my comp will probably leave next time leaving me here and then I will stay again and probably leave the next so I will probably be here till the end of January. Pretty cool I am way excited. We had a baptism in our branch this week a guy named Angel it was so cool I got to be the witness so that was awesome. So another thing that is making missionary work so amazing is the less active members we are teaching. There is this lady who got baptized and never went back to church but she is super cool and she has some really cool kids well we are teaching them and we are going to give the younger one a baptismal date this week. So that should be pretty cool. We are so going to have 3 baptisms this transfer that is the goal. We also had zone conference that was pretty amazing President Dewsnup is awesome and knows his scriptures like the back of his head, all the scriptures new and Old Testament. But here is a good scripture that I love,it is 2 Nephi 26 26-31. I love it here and I am falling in love with the people. My companion is amazing and he always keeps me laughing and having a good time. Life is awesome.

I got the email from Colten today I read it before this one so I already knew and emailed him. I am so excited to hear this you have no idea. I think this has been the greatest news that I have heard while on my mission and the greatest news that I am waiting to hear about now. Seriously.

Oh so here is the other news we were walking and biking everywhere this one day and we were completely exhausted completely but then we got this call and the Elders called us and said we have this car that we are going to drop off in about an hour, naturally I said “what car?”, thinking maybe it was a mistake well they said that they were bringing us a car and that it would be here in about an hour. So it is a 2008 Corolla with 40 miles on it. That is way awesome so I might get a little bit fatter this transfer and all that weight that I have lost my just come back, but I am okay with that considering I have a car all the time.

Elder Osterloh absolutely loved the package he opened it up and started wearing the Arizona shirt right away and drinking out of his mug. Man he is such a hoot. Something that his family does is the tape recorder thing, it’s a pretty cool idea and keeps me entertained. Its fun. So if you want to do that,that would be pretty cool.
Well love you and thanks for everything you have no idea how much I appreciate everything that you do for me.
Love you all! Logan

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