
Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

Hi Mom and Dad!
I love it here we had two baptisms last Saturday one was Diana and the other was a girl named Cherly she is 8 and Diana is 25. Cherly is a sister of a recent convert that has been coming to church for quite some time and has had that desire to be baptized so she asked us and we said of course so she asked me to do it, because I seem to be the funnier of us two and the younger ones seem to like me more so that is cool but I baptized her and Elder Dixon baptized Diana so we both got to go down into the water so that was awesome I loved it seriously, never in my life have I ever been so happy! I also got to confirm Diana on Sunday so that was a really spiritual experience for me, I absolutely loved it, it was awesome to just let the spirit dictate to me what exactly needed to be said at that time. Well we also have lots of investigators right now we are actually teaching four other family members of Cherly and Bernadette and they are progressing quite well they all said they would read and pray and come to church so that is exciting I am so excited for them. Manuel had to go back to the Doctors for a week so his date is postponed for now but we are going to get him baptized but we also have Diana’s father who has excepted to be baptized on the 27th of September so that is exciting we are baptizing a lot here and the work is just coming along really well so that is just awesome, I will send you my memory card home you just have to send me a new one because I left my other in my bags in Puerto Rico so the day you get me that I will send it straight home to you, but as for packages we have to be careful because they said sometimes they never get here. I will let you know what exactly happens I think it should be fine my companion really does not know to much he listens to other people all to often and does not figure it out for himself. As for the mail it comes straight here they have a little store that brings it in so that is how we get it. The thing is that I am hoping that we can stay together for another transfer that would be cool so there are about 29 missionaries coming this next few transfers do you know any Arizona missionaries that are coming? I have my Spanish scriptures I am fine. We get our mail when it comes in I think that it takes a little longer to get here than home but we shall see. The Virgin Gorda Elders have the same address as us so they receive mail when we do they just come here every weekend and get it from us. It would be cool to have a Christmas on this island. Tell Elder Keir “hello” for me and that he should write me a letter that would be sweet to hear from him! Give me his address and I will throw him a letter. Oh yeah that reminds me I need a long sleeve shirt we don’t have to wear our suits to church and I left my long sleeve at home. Could you send me one that can have cuff links? My companion gave me some so I would like to use them. I will send some pics home this week. I love it here and well I am glad that things seem to work out. I pray for everyone every single night and want everyone to know I love them so much! Thank you for everything you do for me! Have a good week Peace, Logan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great letter. Sounds like things are really going great for Logan. You should be really proud of both your missionaries