
Lots of work to do here!

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

Hi Mom and Dad!

I am loving it here! Some of my duties as DL is I have to plan the normal district meeting and have to do call ins to the other missionaries in the district every night so that means lots of talking on the phone and no going to bed before 9:30 pm I guess it is not to bad. I really don't mind to tell the truth. I do miss being a normal missionary. I am working hard for sure! Oh and Sherman did get the shirt. If you want just send stuff to the office for now we usually go there at least once a week so not really that big of deal. Things are going great we set a baptsimal date this week with a young lady named Natalia, she is 12 years old. The less active work is really where it is at we have only like a 16 percent activity rate here and so that means that out of all of the families there are tons that are part member families so that is what I am really going to start focusing on, there are over like 300 inactives in our area alone not including all of the other areas. It is gonna get really busy these next transfers because our mission is getting reduced and so that is gonna be the hard part. So lots of moving is gonna start taking place.The driving is easy enough the first day was a little rough but there is so much traffic here and no time to really mess up becasue you just go with the flow. Oh and another duty is that I will have to do the baptismal interviews for the people that get baptized so that is cool, kind of scary but I am way willing to do it, it is just the whole spanish thing I really hope that I can get it all down, I know with the help of my heavenly father there will be no worries. Elder ****** is a good missionary a little bit crazy he has lots of pride and definately has a latin attitude, its cool though he goes home in April so no biggy. That is so cool to hear how good everyone is doing in the ward pretty sweet that Chase will get to see Jordan awesome. I miss Tristan so much and can't really believe how fast time is flying, seriously it will be here before we know it, and I will be on my flight . I do not have much time so its work work work and more work for me, its really great to be part of the work and I love it! It is going good here, I hope that next transfer they move me back down to normal missionary I don't like being a leader, ha ha. All is well! I love you and wish the best for your week! Love always, Logan

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