Hi Mom and Dad
Well, Thank-you so much for the letter. I am so glad that you had fun when you visited Colorado. I am really am glad to hear that Stacey is doing so well, I love it when you talk about them. Did she say if she has sent me a letter? Because she totally owes me one. I am loving it so much here the lord is definetly blessing me! I sent letters home so you should get them in a few days. I will be getting the package today so there are no problems. . We already have three dinner appts for christmas so that is amazing. We had an 62 people in church on Sunday that was a record for Tortola, the work is growing so much here and like you said I am so glad to be a part of it. Well i cant believe that we are already in the 4th week of the transfer its crazy I am getting scared of getting transferred because I totally don't want that to happen, our transfers are on the 23rd so P-day is monday the 22nd just so you know. It is crazy to think at how fast time is going. Well Sonette will not be baptized this Sunday she is the sister of Rose and Esther. Manuel is not related to them. Rose and Esther are from Haiti and are way cool. Well I was wondering how the christmas season is going for you guys? I imagine that it has to be a little weird with most all of us gone, its not the greatest for us either but just think that I will be there next christmas so no worries. I am glad that my car might be getting into the shop. Well we are working really hard we are seeing so much success in theBranch, we also had another family of 5 out to church this past week. We also had 22 people in the Spanish group which is just a miracle in itself. I love you all! Love, Logan
Well, Thank-you so much for the letter. I am so glad that you had fun when you visited Colorado. I am really am glad to hear that Stacey is doing so well, I love it when you talk about them. Did she say if she has sent me a letter? Because she totally owes me one. I am loving it so much here the lord is definetly blessing me! I sent letters home so you should get them in a few days. I will be getting the package today so there are no problems. . We already have three dinner appts for christmas so that is amazing. We had an 62 people in church on Sunday that was a record for Tortola, the work is growing so much here and like you said I am so glad to be a part of it. Well i cant believe that we are already in the 4th week of the transfer its crazy I am getting scared of getting transferred because I totally don't want that to happen, our transfers are on the 23rd so P-day is monday the 22nd just so you know. It is crazy to think at how fast time is going. Well Sonette will not be baptized this Sunday she is the sister of Rose and Esther. Manuel is not related to them. Rose and Esther are from Haiti and are way cool. Well I was wondering how the christmas season is going for you guys? I imagine that it has to be a little weird with most all of us gone, its not the greatest for us either but just think that I will be there next christmas so no worries. I am glad that my car might be getting into the shop. Well we are working really hard we are seeing so much success in theBranch, we also had another family of 5 out to church this past week. We also had 22 people in the Spanish group which is just a miracle in itself. I love you all! Love, Logan

Branch in Tortola, so glad it is growing!
Aww, Logan always has loved the little ones, his neice and nephews call him Uncle LoLo